I received some STLs from a Frontiers campaign on My Mini Factory by ZBSminiatures titled "The leviathan." Here's a link: The Leviathan Campaign - MyMiniFactory
So far it has taken 20 hours of resin printing, and at the time of writing I have another part printing over night. I'll set up another print in the morning before heading off to my round, and when that is done, my son Malcolm will get another print on the go. When I get home from my round I'll get the final track part printing. The archer is from a range by "The Printing Goes Ever On" (another creator that I can sell printed miniatures, the archer is there for scale. I'm also using up resin that is out of date, it seems to be working fine.
My Ender 5 Plus is printing out some gaming stuff as well, I'm printing a platform for a scenery piece "Heavy Machine Cult," from War Scenery's kickstarter "Chapters Headquarters." Here another link: Chapters Headquarter - 3D printable Wargaming Terrain by War Scenery — Kickstarter This one is a day's printing, so it should be ready around 8 pm tomorrow (28th September 2023).
I am still sorting out some costs for figures and scenery, I've also to source some packaging materials for posting to folks.
Yes, that's D&D in the background, I've been gaming with Malcolm and my daughter Tegan.