First thing I’ll say is thanks folks for checking my web site, I know it’s not much, but it will improve as and when I have items to sell. Aye I’m finding it frustrating because I’m getting visitors and have out of stock. I’m still awaiting a new exposure screen for my resin printer, but it is on its way.
I got a surprise when I arrived home after my round. There in my living room was a package that I wasn’t expecting until next week. I was delighted that a pressure paint pot had arrived, I’m converting it to a pressure pot for resin casting.
And yesterday I had notification that my vacuum chamber was arriving, and when I got home there it was in my living room.
Both images were copied from Amazon’s web site, here are the links:
Three of my printers (fdm) have been working away much to Malcolm’s and my delight. I am printing some ruined walls from files I’ve purchased from Forbidden Prints on MMF (My Mini Factory). I’m also printing a Badlands Tower from the Badlands theme issued on MMF. I’m also printing out a bridge from Devious Games Designs called Lord Cireneg's Bridge. I’ved already printed out one bridge I’m now working on the second bridge which will be ruined for part of a gaming table set up. I’ll be using this for Lord of the Rings Strategy Battles by Games Workshop. That’s me for now, I’m off to get more files ready.
Happy printing and gaming folks.