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Getting back to it.

It's been a while since I've wrote something, been a bit miffed with no being able to print stuff, all four 3D printers decided not to co-operate and began to give me more fails and no successes. However that seems to have changed to being a wee bit more successful.

I've been watching Zopazorp on you tube, have been for a while, and he's given me some food for thought. Even though I bought some Miidle Earth rules and figures a while ago (before I saw Zorpazorp) - haven't done much with them but watching how Zorpazorp has been doing stuff you could say that I've been inspired.

I've also bought into some Kickstarters both for table top gaming and D&D. Some of the Kickstarters I have bought the merchant licence, so I'm able to print stuff and sell both on this Web site as well as Thainstone Carboot Sale and Sunday Market.

I have plans in making scenics and selling them, I'm looking into learning Blender for creating items to 3D print in both Resin and FDM.

At the time of writing my Creality Ender 5 Plus is busy printing some platforms for tabletop skirmishes. The items are part of Printable Scenery's kickstarter 'Shadowfey.' I want to create some cave work for underground skirmishes. That's me for now, off to watch Amazon's 'The Rings of Power.'

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